Shared my best advice...and got hated
Here's an example two-note-per-string exercise / run:
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Today I want to delve into a topic that's close to my heart: fretting hand technique. But before we dive in, let me share a story with you. It's about how I offered what I thought was a game-changing piece of advice, only to receive a tidal wave of hate in return.
So, I'm a big fan of two-note pentatonic picking. To me, it's like a fusion of various scales, offering a unique sound that I absolutely love. But when I shared some tips on executing this technique efficiently, particularly focusing on the fretting hand, I wasn't prepared for the backlash.
Now, let's talk technique. There's a traditional school of thought that advocates for a specific hand posture, with the thumb positioned far back on the neck. Sure, it has its advantages, especially when it comes to stretching. But here's the catch: it often leads to tension and discomfort, which is far from ideal.
Instead, I advocate for a more relaxed posture, one where the thumb is positioned higher on the neck. This not only feels more natural but also allows for smoother execution and better control. Of course, there are situations where you might need to switch things down, like when playing complex chords or executing wide bends. But the key is adaptability.
Now, here's where the hate comes in. Some folks were quick to criticize my approach, arguing that it would hinder their ability to stretch or play certain chords. But here's the thing: I'm all about finding what works best for you. It's not about sticking to one rigid technique but rather being open to experimentation and finding what feels most comfortable and effective for your playing style.
Sure, I've had my fair share of negative comments, and yes, they sting! But at the end of the day, if I'm sparking a conversation or challenging someone to rethink their approach, then maybe it's not all bad.
So, to my fellow guitar enthusiasts out there, remember this: don't be afraid to try new things, to push the boundaries of what you thought was possible. And above all, stay true to yourself and your unique style of playing.
Until next time, keep shredding.